Sunday, April 18, 2010

Iceland's disruptive volcano, The Big Picture,

Iceland's disruptive volcano - The Big Picture -

"Today, British civil aviation authorities ordered the country's airspace closed as of noon, due to a cloud of ash drifting from the erupting Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. The volcano has erupted for the second time in less than a month, melting ice, shooting smoke and steam into the air and forcing hundreds of people to flee rising floodwaters. The volcanic ash has forced the cancellation of many flights and disrupted air traffic across northern Europe, stranding thousands of passengers. Collected here are photos of the most recent eruption, and of last month's eruptions, which were from the same volcano, just several miles further east... more on page..."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blog � Sinemis Candemir Blog

Blog � Sinemis Candemir Blog

Sinemis Candemir
Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Halkla İlişkiler, 2006 Mezunu
Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, 2001 Mezunu
Fort Worth Country Day School, 1997 Mezunu (Ft.Worth, Texas, ABD)
Üsküdar Anadolu Lisesi (Almanca), 1996 Mezunu
İş Tecrübeleri:

Reklam Filmlerinden Birkaçı
“Elidor” TV Reklam Filmi
“Sunny” TV Reklam Filmi
“Vestel” TV Reklam Filmi
“Eti-Soho” TV Reklam Filmi
“Avea” TV Reklam Filmi
“Teremyağ” TV Reklam Filmi
“Signal” TV Reklam Filmi
“Solo-Tuvalet Kağıdı” TV Reklam Filmi
“Taç” TV Reklam Filmi
“Siemens” TV Reklam Filmi
“Kalde” TV Reklam Filmi

TV Dizileri
“Karaoğlan” Dizi Filmi Kanal D 2002
“Kınalı Kar” Dizi Filmi Kanal D 2003-2004
“Kayıtdışı” Dizi Filmi STAR 2005
“Emret Komutanım” Dizi Filmi SHOW TV 2005-2006
“Kınalı Kuzular” Dizi Filmi TRT 1 2006-2007
“Güzel Günler” Dizi Filmi TRT 1 2007
“Ayrılık” Dizi Filmi TRT 1 2009
“Zoraki Başkan” Dizi Filmi TRT 1 2010
“Bir Çocuk Sevdim” Dizi Filmi Star TV 2012

TV Programları
“Adrenalin” Programı Sunuculuğu TRT 1 2003
“Güzel Hayat” Programı Sunuculuğu NTV 2004-2005
“Yazlık Hayat” Programı Sunuculuğu NTV 2006
“Mutfak Sanatı” Programı Sunuculuğu NTV 2007
“Altın Adımlar” Program Sunuculuğu TRT 1 2008

Tarkan “Hüp” Klip 2001

Sinema Filmleri
“Yeşil Işık” Sinema Filmi 2002
“Keloğlan Karaprense Karşı” Sinema Filmi 2006
“O Kadın” ve “Çocuk” filmlerinde misafir oyuncu 2007

Tiyatro Oyunları
“Sevgili Karım” Tiyatro Oyunu, Aslı karakteri 2005
“Bu Da Benim Ailem” Tiyatro Oyunu, Aybike karakteri 2009-2010
Katıldığı Atölye Çalışmalarından bazıları:
Türk Kültür Vakfı Eğitim Departmanın düzenlediği “Misyon/Vizyon/Kurum Kültürü/STK Nedir?/STK Bilinci ve Gönüllü Motivasyonu/Kriz Yönetimi/Zaman Yönetimi/Çatışma Yönetimi/Planlama/Proje Yönetimi/Profesyonel Gönüllülük” konularında senelik eğitimler 1997-2000
Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi kapsamında yapılan TIYSEP (Temel İşletme ve Yöneticilik Sertifika Programı) eğitiminden sertifika 2001
Ayla Algan eşliğinde Ekol Drama Okulunda 3 aylık atölye çalışması 2002
BKM Oyuncularının kurduğu BKM atölye de bir sene atölye çalışmaları 2005
At binme, seramik, sunduğu tv programlarından ötürü her türlü outdoor, indoor spora yatkınlık, Almanca / İngilizce sunuculuk, seyahat sevgisinden ve yaptığı işlerden ötürü dünyanın birçok bölgesini gezmiş ve hakim. AFS’li ve herdaim gönüllü.
Üye olduğu Vakıf ve Dernekler:
AFS Gönüllüleri Derneği kurucularından 1999
AFS Gönüllüleri Derneği 2005-2006 dönemi Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
2011 yılından bu yana AFS Gönüllüleri Derneği Eğitim Departmanı Başkanı
Türk Kültür Vakfı Vakfedeni
Türk Kültür Vakfı Mütevelli Heyet Üyesi 2008-2010
2011 yılından bu yana Türk Kültür Vakfı Denetleme Kurulu Üyesi
Sosyal Medya Hesapları:
Twitter / Facebook Official Page / LinkedIn / Google+

Monday, April 5, 2010

About this Blog

As of August 2009, anthropologyworks joins the growing list of blogs related to the discipline of anthropology. Drawing on insights from contributors worldwide, I hope this blog will:
provide an important place for highlighting what is new and important in anthropology and how anthropology connects to important current affairs
share information and approaches for enhanced teaching within and beyond anthropology at all levels
energize future research through exchange
contribute to policy dialogue and policy formation
lead to a more global anthropology that crosses regional divides
help us be more informed about real people around the world, the challenges they face and how they are attempting to deal with them

This blog is a project of the Culture in Global Affairs (CIGA) research and policy program of the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Along with several colleagues at GW and anthropological professionals working in the Washington area, I founded CIGA in 2002. Its mission is wide-ranging: to promote awareness of the relevance of anthropological knowledge to contemporary issues and to enhance discussion and debate within and beyond anthropology about contemporary issues.

While centered on cultural anthropology, CIGA’s mission, and that of this blog, encompasses all four fields of anthropology as defined in anthropology: archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology (in alphabetical order).

For example, the situation of mountain gorillas in Rwanda and Uganda has much to do with poverty, employment, and cultural survival of forest peoples in the region. The effects of war and military occupation on archaeological sites in Iraq incontestably links the present with the past and with policy questions of culpability and compensation.

From Aug. 2009 to Aug. 2010, Graham Hough-Cornell assisted with publishing the blog posts, and he contributed several guest posts as well. Graham received an M.A. in Middle East Studies at the Elliott School in 2010 and has an interest in culture and culinary history.

From Sept. 2010 to July 2012, Erica Buckingham managed publishing blog posts. She received her M.A. in International Development Studies at the Elliott School in 2012 with a concentration in gender and anthropology.

Starting in July 2012, Cait O’Donnell took over the publishing of blog posts. Cait has a B.A. from Berkeley in English and Global Poverty and Practices. She spent two years with the Peace Corps in Ukraine where she led civic education and HIV/AIDS-related initiatives.

I am grateful for financial and other support from the Elliott School, and its Dean Michael E. Brown, which makes this blog possible. In the early design stages, I was expertly guided by Menachem Wecker, then working in the Elliott School’s public affairs group, and Jaclyn Schiff, a journalist/media consultant.

This blog’s header is a detail of Wecker’s “Children in Soweto,” viewable in full here.